WELL, THERE IS ONE WAY TO DETERMINE IF WHAT THIS PROFESSOR SAYS IS TRUE OR FALSE. FOLLOW THE SCIENCE: Professor Calls Out Unqualified Women In STEM While His Own University Doubles Down In An Effort To Cancel Him

A major public university condemned one of its own former professors Monday after he said that many women are selected for engineering positions primarily on the basis of their gender.


“Half of the female STEM faculty in the US were hired over more qualified men,” Pedro Domingos, a retired computer science and engineering professor who has garnered more than 55,000 citations to his published works, according to Google Scholar, posted to Twitter.

In response, the University of Washington’s Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering admitted that they “cannot limit what emeritus faculty members say via private accounts” before admonishing Domingos’ claim as “meritless, sexist, inflammatory, [and] attention-seeking.”