PARENTS, BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR. It’s all fun and games until your children turn their activism on you. “EXCLUSIVE: Goodbye Moon! Bedtime goes woke as books like ‘Antiracist Baby’, ‘Daddy & Dada’ and ‘A is for Activist’ are dominating the shelves with transgender tales and scary stories of police brutality meant to ‘indoctrinate’ toddlers.

The left ruins everything, including reading to your children:

In ‘Woke Baby!’ Mahogany L. Browne writes of a race struggle that starts in the crib. ‘Woke Babies raise their fists in the air. Woke babies cry out for justice.’


The illustrations show a black baby wearing a onesie with a panther emblem on his chest.

The text alongside them reads, ‘Look at your fists. Fingers curled into a panther’s paw pointing up up up, reaching out for justice.’


And while un-woke babies presumably just learn to crawl, ‘Woke Baby’ takes a knee (or two) and rises, ‘Up up up on each knee, bent like half-moons. Woke Baby, you are an awakened dream.’