Mahgdalen Rose
About Mahgdalen Rose
IF THESE TEACHERS HAD ANY SENSE, THEY’D KNOW THEIR AUDIENCE. The problem is, though, they do know who their audience is and that’s the point: they want to change the ideas, feelings, and attitudes of children as payback against the views of their parents: Mom Tries to Get Pornographic Content Out of Daughters’ High School Curriculum
THE GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS, IN CAHOOTS WITH THE SO-CALLED “ED” SCHOOLS, ARE ABOUT LEFT-WING INDOCTRINATION. PERIOD. FULL STOP: Columbia University hosts week-long program to instruct teachers on how to teach about climate change
SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT ON THREE EDUCATION ISSUES As someone who has been writing about education issues for years, I have noticed that disinformation, misinformation, and all-around twaddle are now more ubiquitous than ever. I will cover three areas here.
Various online articles report that “massive teacher layoffs” —notably in California— are “devastating, chaotic, and detrimental” to student learning conditions.” While some layoffs include other employees, including librarians and nurses, most cuts are to teachers. Most of the hysterics don’t acknowledge that many districts are over-staffed due in part to the expiring $190 billion federal Covid relief funds. Also, a major contributor to the need for fewer teachers in California is that while there were 6.3 million students in 2006-2007, now just 5.8 million are enrolled, and the state projects that number to fall to 5.3 million by 2031.
TELL THEM THEY’RE FREE TO LEAVE: Virginia Tech Students Protest as School Prepares to Axe DEI Policies
IDEAS HAVE CONSEQUENCES: UCLA Professor Regrets X Post About Military Resistance To Trump
IT’S CALLED ACCOUNTABILITY: 60 universities face probe by Trump admin over ‘antisemitic discrimination and harassment’
GOVERNMENTAL BUSYBODIES: Micromanaging Microschools
MUST SEE TV. Highly recommended:
WHY IS ALWAYS THE FEMALE TEACHERS WHO ARE ENGAGED IN ACTS OF SEXUAL DEVIANCY WITH ADOLESCENT AND YOUNGER TEENAGE BOYS? You do know, yes, that this is part of a broader 25-year trend of female teachers sexually exploiting young teenagers (including girls)? ‘Horrifying’: Married teacher accused of raping numerous boys, forcing them to wear ‘Scream’ mask
ARE WE REACHING PEAK STUPID? Climate change ‘can teach schoolchildren about race.’
IMPORTANT QUESTION. Equally important is: Who runs the school? What’s a ‘good’ school? Parents have more choices, need more info.
SINCE WHEN DID COMMON DECENCY BECOME REVOLUTIONARY? Trump Admin ‘Not Going To Tolerate’ Illinois School Forcing Girls To Change Clothes Alongside Trans Classmate
READ MY LIPS: If you are a Congressional Republican and do not support abolishing the Department of Education, please know that I will personally organize & lead a national movement to have you primaried & defeated. ‘Not waiting on anybody’: Trump delivers on Reagan’s promise to dismantle Education Dept.
IT’S ACTUALLY THE CAUSE: Increasing Financial Aid Isn’t the Solution to High College Costs