THE UNBEARABLE “WHITENESS” OF BEING….A PRESCHOOLER? Apparently the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction thinks preschools are too “white,” and they, their teachers, and their students, need to “center children of color,” which necessarily means “decentering” the white ones using that figment of our allegedly “right-wing-extremist” imaginations, critical race theory, or CRT.
Here are some of the racist anti-concepts, and disciplinary approaches, pre-K and special needs teachers will be taking into classrooms as part of the Department of Public Instruction’s (DPI) Equity and Cultural Responsiveness teacher training:
Ever notice how it’s not there, until it is, and then it’s a good thing we should all champion, using our tax dollars (in this case a federal special needs grant)?
Visit EdFirstNC for the goods on the worst CRT lessons we’ve seen to date, because these are aimed at THREE YEAR-OLDS.