YOU DON’T SAY? It’s been fascinating and infuriating watching outlets like the New York Times begin what I’m sure they hope will be a long, gradual, imperceptible dodge away from accountability for the harm caused by policies they supported this whole time. Here’s a case in point:

American children are starting 2022 in crisis.

I have long been aware that the pandemic was upending children’s lives. But until I spent time pulling together data and reading reports, I did not understand just how alarming the situation had become.

Read that a second time: he’s “long been aware” but is only just NOW looking at the data? Not only did parents, doctors, and many other concerned citizens raise this alarm proactively, two years ago, that alarm has grown louder with each passing month, reaching GITMO noise-torture levels at this past summer as unions debated whether to return to in-person teaching in the fall.

I’m glad to see the so-called “Paper of Record” finally admit this is “No way to grow up,” and

For the past two years, Americans have accepted more harm to children in exchange for less harm to adults.

but I can’t help but notice how well this serves them as they strive to pretend they didn’t “build that.”