THE PEOPLE WHO ARE RUNNING AMERICA’S SCHOOLS ARE IN A STATE OF MORAL PANIC THAT REMINDS US OF SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS, CIRCA THE 1790s. #JustWalkAway. ‘Incorrect pronouns’ constitute sexual harassment, school claims

The transgender movement that shouts “discrimination” and “unfair” whenever a parent or teacher addresses a girl who claims to be a boy with feminine pronouns, or vice versa, now has snared students too.


The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty reports it has dispatched a letter to the Kiel Area School District urging officials there to drop a Title IX complaint and investigation into three eighth-grade boys.


They are accused of “sexual harassment” for using the wrong “pronouns” when they have referenced a classmate, who has demanded to be addressed as “they/them.”


The organization explains its letter to the district documents that “the mere use of biologically correct pronouns not only does not constitute sexual harassment under Title IX or the district’s own policy, it is speech protected by the First Amendment.”