MISSOURI SHOWING ME SOME SPINE: A pre-filed Missouri Senate bill seeks to protect children and their families from state surveillance-driven political activism masquerading as curriculum.

From the Summary page:

Under this act, school districts and charter schools shall publish on its website all training materials used for staff and faculty training, all instructional materials, and all curricular materials related to nondiscrimination, diversity, equity, inclusion, race, ethnicity, sex, or bias, including certain information as described in the act related to instructional materials and curricular materials. Such materials shall be displayed within 7 days after the use of such materials in training or instruction and shall remain displayed for at least 2 years.

No school district shall permit teachers or administrators to require coursework to include, or a grade or credit to be awarded, for a student’s participation in certain political or social advocacy efforts described in the act. No school district or charter school shall compel a teacher, administrator, or student to affirm, adopt, or adhere to any belief or concept that racism, sexism, or certain immutable traits are fundamental or blameworthy, as further described in the act.

No school district shall use public funds to contract, hire, or otherwise engage certain persons to speak on or compel support for such concepts or beliefs, except that such person may be engaged to advocate for such concepts or beliefs if the school district makes clear that it does not support such concepts or beliefs and allows students and employees to opt out from participating.

No school district, public school, or charter school may require a student or employee to attend or participate in a certain training, instruction, or therapy that promote such beliefs or concepts.

This act shall not be construed to prohibit constitutionally-protected speech, access to research or study materials, the discussion or assignment of materials for educational purposes if the school district or school makes clear that it does not support the use of beliefs or concepts otherwise prohibited under the act, or the use of curriculum that teaches the topics of sexism, slavery, racial oppression, racial segregation, or racial discrimination.

Any employee of a school district that discloses a violation of this provision shall be protected from any manner of retaliation as provided by current law.

Be sure to read the whole thing, then call your state legislator and ask what they’re doing to ensure transparency and respect for civil rights in your government-run schools.
H/T to Rhyen Staley for the link