HOMESCHOOLERS OF THE WORLD UNITE! You have nothing to lose but your children’s chains. Black families homeschool their children for the same reason that all others families do: because they love their children and want them to get a good education. The government schools do neither. Join the movement: #JustWalkAway. Black families motivated to homeschool children by 1 factor

As the United States observes Black History Month, African-American families are making history by leaving failing public schools and homeschooling their children in record numbers.


Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, parents, and especially black parents, found public schools incapable of handling the crisis. Even prior to the pandemic, public schools were failing to improve learning among African-American children.


In 2019, only one and a half out of ten black eighth-graders taking the national reading and math exams scored at or above the proficiency level. . . .


One African-American mother in Detroit told The New Yorker that she had challenged the city’s school superintendent, saying: “Parents are not deciding to take their children out because of COVID. Parents are doing [homeschooling pods] because education has failed children in this city forever.”